==== The Season's Very Best ====


The Santa Clause Card Puzzle Solved


****1997 ****

Santa Claus Quiz


1. The name "Santa Clause" is a contraction of:

a) the Italian "Santo Clucci"

b) the Dutch "Sint Nikolaas"

c) the German "Sanus Klaus"

d) the Norwegian "Sanorsk Lofjell"


CLICK HERE to see the answer.

 2. His association with reindeer and the North Pole, however, apparently came from:

a) Scandanavia

b) Russia

c) Canada

d) Scotland


CLICK HERE to see the answer.

 3. Attributes of Santa Claus were popularized during the 19th century by only three of the following. Who does not belong to this group?

a) Washington Irving

b) Robert Frost

c) Thomas Nast

d) Clement Moore


CLICK HERE to see the answer.

 4. Russia's grandmotherly counterpart of Santa Claus is called:

a) Katina

b) Katinavicha

c) Befanastasia

d) Babouschka


CLICK HERE to see the answer.

 5. Which of the following features of the Santa Claus legend is NOT Dutch in Origin?

a) His red suit trimmed with white fur

b) His climb down the chimney

c) His elves

d) Switches he leaves for naughty children


CLICK HERE to see the answer.

Answers to Santa Quiz

1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d, 5-c


1-2 correct Humbug Heaven

3 correct you put up a fake tree every year

4-5 correct the Man in the Red Suit is coming for You!

****1996 Christmas Quiz****



Christmas Movies (answers follow)

  1. What part did Edmund Gwenn Play in the 1947 Holiday favorite
    "Miracle on 34th St."? (Santa Clause is not the correct answer.)

  2. A house gets lit up, a cat gets fried, and Randy Quaid gets a turkey neck
    in this the 1989 "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation", but what
    doesn't Chevy Chase get for the holiday?

  3. The Christmas perennial, "It's a Wonderful Life" has been seen
    almost as often as "Rocky Horror Show", but do you remember the
    names of the characters as well as you do Riff Raff, Magenta and
    Dr. Scott? In IAWL, What part did Jimmy Stewart play?
    Lionel Barrymore? Thomas Mitchell? Gloria Grahame?
    Henry Travers? Donna Reed?
    ...and the ever popular, Bulah Bondi?

  4. Deanna Durban and Gene Kelly starred in this 1944 mystery
    based on a Somerset Maugham novel.
    "Spring Will Be a Little Late this Year" was a featured song,
    but what was the movie title?

  5. Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire starred in the 1942 musical "Holiday Inn".
    It was remade as "White Christmas" in 1954 with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye.
    Name the female singer in the 1954 film.

    Extra credit: Name the female dancer in "White Christmas"

  6. In a 1947 Christmas fantasy Cary Grant played an angel and
    David Niven a bishop, but who played "The Bishop's Wife"?

  7. Macaulay Caulkin's folks left him "Home Alone" in the original
    1990 movie. Where did they go?

  8. "A Christmas Carol" as been captured in film many times.
    Who played Scrooge in the 1938 version? 1951? 1984?

    In the 1970 musical "Scrooge"?

    In the 1988 comedy "Scrooged"?

  9. In What state did Sidney Greenstreet spend Christmas with
    Barbara Stanwick in this 1945 Movie directed by Peter Godfrey?

  10. A memoir of Jean Shepherd is the basis for this 1983 movie
    set in the 1940's. It starred Darren McGavin, Melinda Dillon and
    Peter Billingsley. What did Peter want for Christmas?

  11. Who played the foul-mouth sorority sister in the 1975 horror thriller
    "Black Christmas" (also called "Silent Night, Evil Night" for all you
    slice & dice geeks)?

  12. What low budget seasonal fantasy film has Pia Zadora
    as a Martian kiddie?

Better Late Than Never Page:

from Mindzap Experiences

The Christmas Movie Answers:

  1. Kris Kringle (Miracle on 34th Street, 1947).

  2. A Christmas Bonus (National Lampoon s Christmas Vacation, 1989).

  3. George Bailey
    Mr. Potter
    Uncle Billy
    Violet Bick
    Mary Hatch (Bailey)
    George s mother
    (It s A Wonderful Life, 1946).

  4. Christmas Holiday (1944).

  5. Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen (White Christmas, 1954).

  6. Loretta Young (The Bishop s Wife, 1947).

  7. Paris (Home Alone, 1990).

  8. A Christmas Carol:
    1938 Reginald Owen
    1951 Alastair Sim
    1984 George C. Scott
    1970 Albert Finny
    1988 Bill Murray.

  9. Connecticut (Christmas in Connecticut, 1945).

  10. A Red Rider BB gun (A Christmas Story, 1983).

  11. Margot Kidder (Black Christmas, 1975).

  12. Santa Clause Conquers the Martians (1964).

to MindZap

G. E. Wolf

Email address:
Residence: Clifton
State: NJ